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School Board

HondoISD SealNote to Public of Board Meeting

Due to recent changes, Hondo ISD is no longer allowed to accept public comment submission through email. Should you desire to provide public comment to the Board, you may sign in upon your arrival in advance of the board meeting. You will be asked to present to the Board during the public comment portion with a limit of three minutes.


The agenda can be found here:


Hondo ISD Board of Trustees

Ricky Ruiz
District 1
Steven Tapia
District 2
Carey Frazier
District 3
Craig Luedke
District 4
Philip Rothe
District 5
Joel Gonzales
Blake Halbardier

Responsibilities of Leadership

The Hondo Independent School District is governed by a seven-member Board of Trustees that is responsible for adopting policy, employing and evaluating the superintendent, approving the budget and capital improvement plans, and setting the tax rate.  As the district's elected leaders, Trustees are charged with making decisions they believe to be in the best interests of all HISD children.


The Hondo ISD Board of Trustees regular meetings are usually held on the third Monday of each month at the High School Cafeteria beginning at 6:00 pm unless scheduled otherwise. 

Agenda items are posted at the HISD Administration Office at least 72 hours prior to each meeting and on the HISD website. Citizens are invited to attend board meetings and may address the board during public forum which is included at all regular monthly meetings.  Concerns or complaints regarding specific individuals should not be raised in public forum; they must be considered separately according to applicable board policies.  Each participant will be limited to three minutes to make comments to the Board.  Any group of five or more persons must appoint one person to present the group's views to the Board. The Board is not permitted to discuss or act upon any issues that are not posted on the agenda at the meeting.  The Board has adopted complaint policies that are designed to secure, at the lowest possible administrative level, a prompt and equitable resolution of complaints and concerns.  Each of these processes provides that, if a resolution cannot be achieved administratively, the person may appeal the administrative decision to the Board as a properly posted agenda item. 

Agenda and Policy Links

To view Hondo ISD Board of Trustee Meeting Agendas and Minutes, please use the following link:

Board Book 

For information on the Hondo ISD School Board Policy, please use the following link:

School Board Policy 


Board Service

There are seven members of the Hondo ISD Board of Trustees.  Five are elected by Single Member District and two are elected At-Large.  Trustees serve for three year terms.  Officers are elected by the members of the Board of Trustees.  Trustees provide public service to the Hondo community without financial compensation.  Candidates to the Board of Trustees must conform to the eligibility requirements of the Texas Election Code and the Texas Education Code.

Hondo ISD Board of Trustee Operating Guidelines

The Hondo Independent School District Board of Trustees adopted their Operating Guidelines at the regular meeting of the Board on August 25, 2014.  These guidelines are in concurrence with TASB Board Policies and if TASB Board Policies change, the concurrent Operating Guidelines shall also change.  These guidelines are reviewed annually.
The Board of Trustees code of ethics can be found at Policy BBF (Local).


General Election Information

The Hondo Independent School District Board of Trustees consists of seven members, two elected at large and five elected from single-member districts, serving terms of three years, with elections held annually. School Board elections for the District are on the May uniform election date.
Hondo Independent School District will hold a General Election on Saturday, May 3, 2025. Single Member District #3, and two At-Large will be on the ballot at this time. 

Special Election Information

Hondo Independent School District will hold a Special Election on Saturday, May 3, 2025. Single Member District #1, unexpired term, will be on the ballot at this time. 

The filing period for a place on the General Election ballot begins on January 15, 2025 and ends on February 14, 2025 at 4:30 pm. The filing period for a place on the Special Election ballot begins on January 20, 2025 and ends on March 3, 2025. Candidates may file at Hondo ISD Central Administration office, 2604 Avenue E, Hondo, TX 78861, business hours are Monday – Friday 7:30 am – 4:30 pm. Email ballots may be sent to aalarcon[at]


The Secretary of State Office provides important election dates for the May Uniform Election here.


Additional election information can also be found at the Secretary of State Election Department.


For the downloadable PDF version, please click on the picture or on the download link here.
For the downloadable PDF version, please click on the picture or on the download link here. (91 pages)


 Election Notices

Conflict Disclosure Forms

In 2005, the Texas Legislature enacted House Bill 914, adding Chapter 176 to the Local Government Code.  This imposed new disclosure and reporting obligations on vendors and potential vendors to local government entities beginning on January 1, 2006.  This includes school districts.   The new law requires school board members and superintendents to file conflicts disclosure statements revealing certain relationships they may have with vendors doing business or seeking to do business with their school districts.  It also mandates that trustees and superintendents report certain gifts received from current vendors and those seeking to become vendors.   The Texas Ethics Commission adopted Forms CIS (for local government officers) and CIQ (for vendors) pursuant to HB 914.  The Texas Ethics Commission does NOT have jurisdiction to interpret or enforce Chapter 176 of the Government Code, and these forms are NOT filed with the commission.  


Vendors are required to file a Conflict of Interest Questionnaire with the District if a relationship exists between the vendor's company and an officer of the District. Vendors are encouraged to review and become familiar with all disclosure requirements of Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 176.


Disclosure is required from vendors regarding each affiliation or business relationship between the vendor and:

  1. an officer of the District;
  2. an officer of the District that results in the officer or family member receiving taxable income;
  3. an officer of the District that results in the vendor receiving taxable income that does not come from the District;
  4. a corporation or other business entity in which an officer of the District serves as an officer or director, or holds an ownership interest of 10% or more;
  5. an employee or contractor of the District who makes recommendations to an officer of the District regarding the expenditure of money;
  6. an officer of the District who appoints or employs an officer of the District that is the subject of questionnaire; and
  7. any person or entity that might cause a conflict of interest with the District.

Forms must be filed:

  1. No later than the seventh business day after the date that the person begins contract discussions or negotiations with the government entity, or submits to the entity an application, response to the request for proposal or bid, correspondence, or other writing related to a potential agreement or the entity.
  2. The Vendor also shall file an updated questionnaire: a. not later than September 1 of each year in which a covered transaction is pending, and b. the seventh business day after the date of an event that would make a statement in questionnaire incomplete or inaccurate.
  3. A vendor is not required to file an updated questionnaire if the person had filed an updated statement on or after June 1, but before September 1 of the year. (No one is required to file a disclosure under this statute before January 1, 2006)

Vendors or potential vendors for the Hondo Independent School District shall complete the Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (CIQ) and return it to:   Hondo Independent School District, PO Box 308, Hondo, Texas  78861

2025 Election Notice
Hondo Independent School is accepting applications for a place on the ballot for the 2025 School Board Elections.  Application deadline is February 14, 2025. Please see the Notice for additional information. 
2025 Special Election Notice
Hondo Independent School District will hold a Special Election on Saturday, May 3, 2025. Single Member District #1, unexpired term, will be on the ballot at this time. Please see the Notice for additional information.