About Our District

Hondo ISD
Hondo ISD is a 3A school district serving approximately 1800 students in Medina and Frio counties. The district has 4 campuses: Hondo High School (grades 9-12), McDowell Middle School (grades 6-8), Woolls Intermediate School (grades 3-5), and Meyer Elementary School (grades PK-2).
The District central administration office is located at 2604 Ave. E, Hondo, TX 78861.
Hondo ISD Beliefs
We believe children are our greatest investment.
We believe a safe, secure environment is paramount to learning.
We believe relationships have an impact on an individual.
We believe in adapting to inevitable change.
We believe effective communication is vital to success.
We believe life-long learning helps build a path to success.
District Mission
The mission of Hondo ISD, a community rich in pride, is to empower students to become life-long learners who embrace the challenges of a competitive world while striving for excellence.
District Vision
Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day
Fight Song
For Hondo’s Honor and Glory,
We will fight on.
We will be fighting when the day is done, and
when the dawn is breaking, we will still be fighting for the white and blue.
We will be loyal to you. Be True.
Fight ‘em Owls
Fight ‘em Owls
Fight Fight Fight